Аlbumin of serum: the range of possibilities for the application


С. В. Видиборець


An albumin is a basic albumin of organism. It’s possesses numerous irreplaceable functions. Preparations of albumin are utillized in intensive therapy, during operative interferences, at traumas, burns, diseases of buds, liver and other. An albumin is let in on the ground before other solutions for infusions. Discusses the international requirements to the technology of albumin preparation manufacture, the main controllable parameters of ready dosage form quality, and methods of control. Suggests alternative stabilizers for the manufacture of albumin preparations and quality control of additional parameters, the main of which is the functional activity (binding capacity, absorption capacity), directly determining the preparation efficiency.


How to Cite
Видиборець, С. В. (2018). Аlbumin of serum: the range of possibilities for the application. Family Medicine, (2), 109–117. https://doi.org/10.30841/2307-5112.2.2018.146190
Lectures and reviews
Author Biography

С. В. Видиборець, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Stanislav V. Vydyborets,

Head of Department of Haematology and Transfusiology


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