The use of Mucitus (Erdostein) in the treatment of broncho-pulmonary diseases in the practice of a family doctor


В. В. Родіонова
Л. А. Глиняна


Diseases of the broncho-pulmonary apparatus are the important medical and social problem due to the high prevalence, disability and mortality. If the process of formation of the bronchial secretion and its progress in the proximal direction is disrupted, mucolytic therapy with stimulation of mucus excretion, dilution, reduction of its formation and rehydration is actual.

The objective: to reveal the therapeutic effectiveness and safety of the drug Mucitus in the complex treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis.

Materials and methods. The study included 37 patients (group I) with acute bronchitis (n=10), or exacerbation of chronic bronchitis (n=23) and COPD (n=4). The control group (group II) included 12 patients: with acute bronchitis - 5, with exacerbation of chronic bronchitis – 7 people.

Results. The effectiveness of Mucitus was assessed by changing the frequency of coughing attacks during 8 days of therapy, safety - based on monitoring data of the patient’s condition, frequency and nature of adverse reactions, laboratory examination data, assessment of the subjective condition of the patient.

Conclusion.The treatment with ergodein led to an improvement in the patient’s condition, there was a decrease in the frequency of coughing attacks on the 8th day of therapy by more than 70% of the initial value. During the treatment adverse negative reactions with mucitus were not recorded, tolerability is characterized as «good». Mucitus (ergosteine), capsules produced by PJSC Macleods can be recommended for use as an effective and safe mucolytic agent.


How to Cite
Родіонова, В. В., & Глиняна, Л. А. (2018). The use of Mucitus (Erdostein) in the treatment of broncho-pulmonary diseases in the practice of a family doctor. Family Medicine, (2), 93–96.
Author Biographies

В. В. Родіонова, State Establishment «Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine»

Viktoriia V. Rodionova,

Department of Occupational Diseases and Clinical Immunology

Л. А. Глиняна, Dnipropetrovsk Multidisciplinary Clinical Hospital № 4

Liudmyla A. Glinyana,

Head of Department of Occupational Pathology


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