Analysis of emergency/urgent medical aid challenges for the working-age-generated population in the case of a hypertensive crisis in a megacity


Л. Ф. Матюха
Г. О. Слабкий
О. О. Тарнавська
Л. Г. Матвієць
Н. В. Малютіна


The objective: to investigate and analyze the emergency/urgent medical care calls for the working-age population on the hypertensive crisis (GC) more than once a year and to study the state of supervision of this category of population at the level of primary care.

Materials and methods. In the course of the study, a retrospective quantitative analysis of the emergency (EMD) and emergency (NDC) medical care for the working-age population with a GC aged 18-60 in the Pechersk and Darnytsky districts of Kyiv in 2015 was conducted.

Results. The article presents the results of the retrospective analysis of emergency medical care outlets in the Pechersk and Darnytskyi districts of the city ofKyiv to the working-age population for the hypertensive crisis. It is established that their number is respectively 855 and 6203, which is 2,87% and 8,24% of total number of calls. For servicing all calls of emergency medical care to the working-age population with hypertensive crises, 178 169,43 UAH of public funds were spent in both districts. During the research, it was found that in 22,54% of the Pechersk and 18,84% of Darnytskyi districts, during the provision of emergency and emergency medical care, the diagnosis of arterial hypertension was established for the first time, 48,0% of them in Pechersk and 52,84% in the Darnytskyi districts used to seek medical assistance from general practitioners-family physicians.

Conclusion. It was shown that 42,96% of the outpatient medical cards in Pechersk and 54,24% in Darnytskyi district did not contain information on the volume of emergency care provided to patients with a sharp increase in blood pressure, as well as the referral of his patient to the primary link.


How to Cite
Матюха, Л. Ф., Слабкий, Г. О., Тарнавська, О. О., Матвієць, Л. Г., & Малютіна, Н. В. (2018). Analysis of emergency/urgent medical aid challenges for the working-age-generated population in the case of a hypertensive crisis in a megacity. Family Medicine, (2), 12–15.
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Author Biographies

Л. Ф. Матюха, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Larysa F. Matіukha,

Head of Department of Family Medicine and Outpatient Clinics

Г. О. Слабкий, Uzhgorod National University

Gennadii O. Slabky,

Head of Department of Public Health

О. О. Тарнавська, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Olena O. Tarnavska,

Department of Family Medicine and Outpatient Clinics

Л. Г. Матвієць, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Liudmyla G. Matviyets,

Department of Family Medicine and Outpatient Clinics

Н. В. Малютіна, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Nataliia V. Malyutina,

Department of Family Medicine and Outpatient Clinics


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