Activity of non-specific inflammatory process in arterial hypertension in patients with type 2 diabetes


Л. В. Хіміон
М. О. Рибицька
Л. С. Тимощук


One of the main factors of cardiovascular risk in both the general population and in patients with type 2 diabetes is arterial hypertension (AH). An important pathogenetic link in many cardiovascular diseases, including AH, is nonspecific inflammation in the intima of the vessels, where the C-reactive protein (CRP) level in the serum is a special prognostic marker.

The objective: to determine the relationship between the marker level of the nonspecific inflammatory process of the C-reactive protein and the level of arterial pressure in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Materials and methods. The study included 145 patients with type 2 diabetes (72 men and 73 women, the average age was 53.0 (49,0–60,5) years). A complex examination during 3 years of observation was carried out: an analysis of the dynamics of blood pressure (BP) and determination of serum CRP. Statistical analysis of the data and processing of the results were carried out using the integrated software package «SPSS Statistics 20».

Results. According to the results of the dynamic observation: mean SBP levels are 140,0 (130,83–150,0) mmHg, DBP – 85,0 (80,0–91,67) mmHg, hrCRP – 4,2 (2,91–5,8) mg/l. Patients with type 2 diabetes were divided into three groups depending on the mean level of SBP: group I – 55 patients (37,9%) with an average SBP level<135 mmHg, group II – 51 patients (35,2%) with a mean SBP of 135–149 mmHg, group III – 39 patients (26,9%) with an average SBP>150 mmHg. Patients of group III had significantly higher average levels of hsCRP (5,0 (3,8–6,15) mg/l) compared to patients with sufficient control of CAT from group I (3,33 (2,0–5,8) mg/l) (p<0,05). Also in group III there was a bigger portion of people with high CVD risk with an average hsCRP >3,0 mg/l. The direct correlation with the medium strength between the hsCRP in the blood serum and the level of BP in patients with type 2 diabetes was found (r = 0,32; p<0,05).

Conclusions. In patients with type 2 diabetes with higher BP the number of hsCRP in the blood serum is significantly higher; the direct correlation with the medium strength between the hsCRP in the blood serum and the level of BP in patients with type 2 diabetes is observed, that can be a prognostic marker of CVD progression.


How to Cite
Хіміон, Л. В., Рибицька, М. О., & Тимощук, Л. С. (2018). Activity of non-specific inflammatory process in arterial hypertension in patients with type 2 diabetes. Family Medicine, (1), 55–57.
Author Biographies

Л. В. Хіміон, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Liudmyla V. Khimion,

Department of Family Medicine

М. О. Рибицька, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Mariia O. Rybytska,

Department of Family Medicine

Л. С. Тимощук, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Liliia S. Tymoshchuk,

Department of Family Medicine


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