Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease combined with overweight: gender data of functional vessels changes


О. Д. Терсіна


The objective: to determine particular impact of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease/NAFLD (steatosis) combined with overweight on hemodynamic data changes of main neck vessels and their difference among males and females middle age groups.

Patients and methods. The investigation involved 82 patients (19 males and 63 females) 45–59 ages (middle age period according to  WHO criteria) that are of high cerebral vascular risk on compare with the other age persons. The data of patients with NAFLD (steatosis) combined with overweight and the data of control groups of normal weight without liver disorders has been compared. Hemodynamic data results of main neck vessels were analyzed with duplex investigation (Color Flow Mapping/CFM regime and doppler).

Results. Main neck vessels hemodynamic data changes (low hemodynamic speed rates and high rates of peripheral resistance ) has been revealed during investigation. NAFLD (steatosis) combined with overweight has direct influence on hemodynamic rates of main neckvessels. The gender difference has been revealed among the middle age group patients: hemodynamic speed rates of females were higher (р<0,05) than the male’s ones. Also the gender difference of peripher al resistance rates has been established (р<0,05) with the higher rates in male’s group. The observation has established the correlation connection between Body Mass Index/BMI and the blood flow speed rates (p<0,05) in both groups. 

Conclusion. Hemodynamic rates disorders of main neck vessels revealed during the complex duplex investigation are the result of NAFLD (steatosis) combined with overweight direct influence with the gender difference (р<0,05) among the middle age group patients.


How to Cite
Терсіна, О. Д. (2017). Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease combined with overweight: gender data of functional vessels changes. Family Medicine, (2(70), 56–59.
For practicing physicians
Author Biography

О. Д. Терсіна, Національний медичний університет імені О.О. Богомольця, м. Київ

O.D. Tersina


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