Pecualirities of gastric mucosa morphological changes in rheumatoid arthritis patients depending on the treatment


Ш. Ф. Гадієва


to study morphological changes of the gastric mucosa (GM) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), depending on the anti1inflammatory and basic therapy


How to Cite
Гадієва, Ш. Ф. (2016). Pecualirities of gastric mucosa morphological changes in rheumatoid arthritis patients depending on the treatment. Family Medicine, (3(65), 51–54.
For practicing physicians
Author Biography

Ш. Ф. Гадієва, Кафедра внутренних болезней Педиатрического факультета Азербайджанского меди цинского университета

Sh.F. Hadiyeva


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