Laboratory Screening of Thyroid Diseases Among People of Different Districts of the Transcarpathian Region


Snizhana Feisa


The objective: is to compare the diagnosis rate of hyper- and hypothyroidism, including the latent one, among the residents of mountainous and low-lying areas of the iodine endemic Transcarpathian region.

Patients and methods. The level of thyroid stimulating hormone was determined by using an automated system Roche Hitachi Сobas e411 (immuno-chemiluminescence analyzes) in medical laboratory «ASTRA-DIA» (Uzhhorod). 7943 people from 12 administrative districts were examined during 2011-2015.

Results. Thyroid gland diseases were diagnosed in 21,44% of the patients who lived in the mountainous areas of the Transcarpathian region, including subclinical hypothyroidism in 7,29% of cases. These rates were 24,28% and 9,35% respectively among the patients from low-lying districts. Status of euthyroidism was found only in 67,5% of patients who lived in the Transcarpathian region for at least 10 years, while the rate among the total number of the examined is 80,47%.

Conclusions. TSH level can be used for screening for thyroid disorders. People living more than 10 years in the iodine endemic areas can be considered at risk of hyper- and hypothyroidism, including subclinical, where appropriate screening of these diseases is needed at least once in 2 years.


How to Cite
Feisa, S. (2016). Laboratory Screening of Thyroid Diseases Among People of Different Districts of the Transcarpathian Region. Family Medicine, (6), 133–137.
Author Biography

Snizhana Feisa, Uzhhorod National University

Snizhana V. Feysa,

Department of Therapy and Family Practice at the Faculty of Postgraduate and Pre-university Education


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