The Complex Biochemical Study of the Blood Plasma, Obtained by Manual Plasmapheresis
The plasma samples of 34 primary donors (22 men and 12 women) for the first time given the plasma by automated plasmapheresis (control surveillance), and 54 active donors of blood plasma (40 men and 14 women) being donors with non-less 14 days interval between donations, have been examined. The active male donors’ plasma averaged at 18,63±1,71 with individual index fluctuations from 2 to 78, female donors’ – 14,09±1,95 with individual index fluctuations from 2 to 45. The method of plasma obtaining is a manual plasmapheresis method. The surveyed groups were homogeneous for age and sex.
Hematologic and biochemical parameters of all those persons have been examined and, basing on the conclusion of the professionals, everyone was admitted to the plasma donation. The content of middle mass molecules in plasma were determined by method of N.I. Gabrieljan, V.I. Lipatovoj (1984). The content of biogenic amines free fractions in plasma were determined by fluorometric method of B.V. Mikhailichenko, S.V. Vydyborets (1999). Analysis of the results showed that in the donor plasma samples obtained by manual plasmapheresis level of middle mass molecules, histamine, serotonin is significantly higher. The significance of obtained results has also been discussed.

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