The Displays of Connective Tissue Dysplasia (Hypermobility) in Patients with Vertebral Syndrome of Lumbosacral Spine
In recent years medical practitioners more often pay their attention on role of pathology of different organs and systems of human’s body which are associated with connective tissue dysplasia. The importance of this problem is caused by the great prevalence of connective tissue dysplasia, systemacity of damage, high probability of different diseases’ formation. Connective tissue dysplasia is the violation of the connective tissue structure during embryonic and postnatal periods because of genetically modified fibrillogenesis of extracellular matrix, leading to homeostasis disorder on tissue and organ levels with the progressive course. There was held the clinical neurological examination with 120 patients, who had neurological features of vertebral syndrome of lumbosacral spine.
Analysis of the clinical examination results demonstrated that patients with vertebral syndrome of lumbosacral spine (p<0,05) more common can occur pathology of joints and varicose veins of the lower extremities. Significantly (p<0,05) (scoliosis, kyphosis, kyphoscoliosis, tendency to dislocation, stretching the ligaments) increase the duration of treatment and the expression of a pain syndrome. The results of examination and monitoring of patients in the dynamics of the treatment showed that patients with vertebral syndrome of lumbosacral spine (p<0,05) more often have anatomical changes in the lumbosacral spine than patients without evidence of DST.

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