Strengthening of the Motivation for Lifestyle Modification in Patients Receiving the Guar Gum Drug
The article deals with the question of the prevalence of overweight and obesity among the cohort of mental profession. It determines the level of their motivation for lifestyle changes, as well as possibility to enhance their motivation while using of the guar gum Guarem drug (Orion Corporation, Finland). 161 persons where skinned for diet habits, physical activity, the presence of risk factors as well as dislipidemiya. Motivation for lifestyle changes was evaluated.
It was found that the prevalence of overweight and obesity in population with predominantly mental and light physical labor, is extremely high at 68% women and 73% men and incidence increased with age. While dynamic monitoring of the patients, who underwent motivational counseling while taking the drug guar gum Guarem, noted strengthening of motivation to comply with the recommendations, compared with patients who received only verbal motivation.

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