Correction of Psychological Status by Family Focused Technologies
The objective: to show a role of the family focused technologies in correction of psychological status and depression of frequency of pathology of pregnancy at women of high obstetric risk.
Patients and methods: for determination of efficiency of prophylaxis of pathology of pregnancy on the basis of use of the family focused technologies complex clinical-psychological and laboratory and tool examination of 300 women with factors of obstetric risk which were divided into two groups was conducted. In the main group – 182 women with motivation on partner labors to which provided training on system of individual preparation of married couple to labors. The control group consisted of 118 women with a traditional approach to pain management that have not been prenatal training.
Results. Use of the family focused technologies during pregnancy allows correction of psyhological status and to reduce significantly the frequency of the main complications of pregnancy, especially not incubation and premature births.
Conclusion. In our opinion, the technique is simple, available and can widely be used in practical health care at women with high obstetric risk.

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