Comparative Efficacy of Infliximab and Budesonide in Treatment of Patients with Ulcerative Colitis


Antonina Niroda
Andrii Bratasyuk
Kseniia Chubirko
Antonina Varvarynets


The objective: to compare the effectiveness of treatment with infliximab and budesonide in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC).

Patients and methods. 16 patients with UC were included in the study. They were divided into 2 groups. 8 patients in Group I received infliximab, patients in Group II were assigned budesonide.

Results. It was found that in patients, who were treated with infliximab, disease activity significantly decreased by 59,96%, while treatment with budesonide led to a significant reduction of inflammatory activity only by 15,56%. Endoscopic inflammation activity index significantly changed in both groups, but in Group I it has decreased by 50,00%, while in the second group – by 17,70% that corresponds to 1,22±0,44 and 2,00±0,50 points respectively (p<0,05).

Conclusions. The treatment of moderate severity UC effectiveness of infliximab was significantly higher compared to budesonide.


How to Cite
Niroda, A., Bratasyuk, A., Chubirko, K., & Varvarynets, A. (2016). Comparative Efficacy of Infliximab and Budesonide in Treatment of Patients with Ulcerative Colitis. Family Medicine, (5), 111–113.
Author Biographies

Antonina Niroda, Uzhhorod National University

Antonina I. Niroda,

Department of Therapy and Family Practice at the Faculty of Postgraduate and Pre-university Education

Andrii Bratasyuk, Uzhhorod National University

Andrii M. Bratasyuk,

Department of Therapy and Family Practice at the Faculty of Postgraduate and Pre-university Education

Kseniia Chubirko, Uzhhorod National University

Kseniia I. Chubirko,

Department of Therapy and Family Practice at the Faculty of Postgraduate and Pre-university Education

Antonina Varvarynets, Uzhhorod National University

Antonina V. Varvarynets,

Department of Therapy and Family Practice at the Faculty of Postgraduate and Pre-university Education


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