The Clinical Course of Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Young Patients with Neurocirculatory Dystonia


Olena Suprun


The clinical picture of the combined course of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD) in young patients has been described in the article. Features of abdominal pain syndrome and disorders of defecation, depending on the type of NCD (hypertonic or hypotonic) were shown.

The conditions under which the exacerbation of IBS occurred in these patients were reviewed. The role of the family doctor in monitoring of the comorbid conditions was shown.


How to Cite
Suprun, O. (2016). The Clinical Course of Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Young Patients with Neurocirculatory Dystonia. Family Medicine, (5), 104–105.
Author Biography

Olena Suprun, Kharkiv National Medical University

Olena V. Suprun,

Department of General Practice – Family Medicine and Internal Diseases


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