Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Safety of Combination Therapy Using Drugs Vazonat and Entrop in Patients with Chronic Toxic Liver Damage
The objective: to study the efficacy and safety of using in the complex treatment of cytoprotector Vazonat in combination with the nootropic medicine of entropy in patients with chronic toxic liver damage.
Patients and methods. There were examined 60 patients (36 men and 24 women) with signs of liver toxicity in age from 35 to 63 years. The average age of the examined was 43.2±1.3 years. All patients were divided into two statistically homogeneous groups (main and control) for 30 people in each. Patients in both groups received diet therapy, hepatoprotective, according to indications – antispasmodic, choleretic, antisecretory drugs, and enzymes. The main group of patients in the combined therapy was additionally appointed Vazonat 500 mg per day (2 capsules per day) and Entrop 100 mg per day in the first half of day for 1 month.
Results. Analysis of the obtained results testifies the effectiveness of additional use of drugs Vazonat and Entrop in combination with a standard hepatoprotective therapy in patients with chronic toxic liver in comparison of using only basic therapy. There was a positive dynamics of the main clinical syndromes. It was proved the positive impact of integrated therapy on the functional activity of the liver and also improving of cognitive abilities.
Conclusion. Inclusion in comprehensive standard hepatoprotective therapy of patients with chronic toxic liver damage drugs Vazonat and Entrop accelerates the normalization of the functional state of the liver.

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