Risk Factors for Development of Glaucoma in the Practice of Family Doctor
The objective: studying of risk factors of developing of glaucoma for formation of risk groups in daily practice of the family doctor, in particular timely identification of an ocular hypertension, the prevention of establishment for the first time of the diagnosis in her late stage became a research objective.
Patients and methods. Outpatient and polyclinic offices of five healthcare institutions of the city of Kiev in which primary help by the principles of the general medical practice – family medicine is given became scientific base of a research. Forms of account № 12 «The report on the diseases registered at patients who live in the area of service of treatment and prevention facility» and questionnaires of a sociological research of risk factors of glaucoma (820 questionnaires) were primary material. Achievement of goals of a research demanded use of a complex of methods of a research, a basis for which was a system approach, namely: bibliosemantic, sociological (questionnaire), medico-statistical methods.
Results. Оf a research it is proved that relevance of a problem of the prevention of a blindness and a low vision owing to glaucoma increases in Ukraine over the years. Modern risk factors of development of glaucoma which have the proved influence on formation of an ocular hypertension, and are studied later and glaucomas, knowledge of which will help physicians of primary contact with the patient to form actively risk groups on glaucoma that, in turn, allows to individualize at the same time preventively – improving, medical and diagnostic medical care in each case and to objectify assessment of its results in dynamics.
Conclusion. Knowledge the doctor of the general practice the family doctor of modern risk factors of development of glaucoma is necessary for her effective prevention as it is proved that timely diagnosis of a disease (at an early stage) does possible correction of the existing risk factors of emergence and progressing of glaucoma that is very important in daily practice of the doctor of the general practice – the family doctor.

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