The Study of the Effectiveness of Natural Biologically Active Substances in Wound Healing of Oral Cavity by Using of Microcirculation Indicators


Tamraz Guliyev


In this study we investigated the effect of biologically active substances on postoperative oral wounds healing. By Laser Doppler flowmetry were evaluated microvasculature in postoperative field. It was found that resveratrol improves microcirculation and creates optimal conditions for the healing of postoperative wounds in the oral mucosa.


How to Cite
Guliyev, T. (2016). The Study of the Effectiveness of Natural Biologically Active Substances in Wound Healing of Oral Cavity by Using of Microcirculation Indicators. Family Medicine, (5), 42–44.
For practicing physicians
Author Biography

Tamraz Guliyev, Azerbaijan Medical University

Tamraz R. Guliyev,

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


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