Effect of Concomitant COPD on Blood Clotting in Patients with Stage II Hypertension
We know that comorbidity COPD and arterial hypertension has an adverse effect on the disease and the presence of complications in such patients. To determine the state of coagulation link of hemostasis, we have examined 150 people: 15 healthy (control), 36 patients with COPD II-III without GC (I group), 69 patients with essential hypertension with concomitant COPD (second group) and 30 patients GC II stage (third group). We found that comorbid course AH and COPD leads to imbalance in the blood coagulation system, which is manifested by slowing prothrombinase formation (coagulation I phase) evidenced prolongation of APTT and lebetoks test, combined with a strong activation of the final phase of clot formation, a reflection of what there is a significant increase in fibrinogen and RFMK and shortening ehitoks and antsystron tests.

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