Features Pyramidal and Sensory Disorders in Multiple Sclerosis Patients Under Comorbidity
Reduced muscle strength is one of the most important factors in violation of life in multiple sclerosis (MS). Muscle spasticity – another significant common symptom in patients with MS, which is one of the main reasons for the deepening of disability.
The objective: to determine the prevalence of pyramidal disorders (PD), and sensory disorders (SD) in patients with MS and to find out the characteristics of their curs in the aspect of comorbidity.
Patients and methods. Neurological examination 216 MS patients with different forms of process was held a points assessment of the disturbed functional systems of the FS-1 – FS-7 (scale FS1 Functional System for J. Kurtzke, 1983), determined the level of disability (the EDSS), revealed the presence or absence PD and SD in the survey, to determine the degree of severity and character.
Results. At 88,4% PC patients had PD. Changes in muscle tone were found in 73.2% of patients with MS. In 65.3% of MS patients the total sample were clinical signs of superficial and deep sensitivity changes. In addition to medication for relief of PD and SD in patients with MS were effectively used methods of acupuncture, which allowed more quickly and efficiently to reduce the severity of spasticity and pain.
Conclusions. 1. The average prevalence of PD in our study of MS patients is 88.4%, and the average prevalence of the SD – 65.3%.
2. In the group with the presence of comorbid pathology PD significantly more often manifested tetraparesis and high spastic tone.
3. In the group with the presence of comorbid pathology SD significantly more often manifested dysesthesia, termogiperestesia, palleanestesia.

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