Clinical Case of Fetal Lymphangioma


Aurika Sukhanova
Olena Karlova
Nataliia Bankovska
Olena Kuzminska


Lymphangioma is a benign lymphatic system tumor, often congenital, mainly affecting lymph nodes in various anatomic localizations. Postnatally mostly common lymphangioma manifestation occurs during the first year of life.

Today it can be readily diagnosed prenatally.

Diagnosis is based on non-invasive visualization, such as sonography and computed tomography.

The objective: is to present clinical case of manifest fetal lymphangioma diagnosed during pregnancy.

Fetal ultrasound (US) was performed at 28, 32, 34 weeks of gestation. As a result fetus was diagnosed with hypoechogenic mass in right axillary region, growing in dynamics gradually from 34×28 mm, 38×34 mm to 49×37 mm. Mass had clear even contours, hyperechogenic capsule with fine dispersed suspension content. Color doppler imaging showed avascular mass character.

After delivery at 37–38 weeks of gestation (planned Cesarean section) at newborn examination we visualized asymmetric soft elastic consistency protrusion along right midclavicular and anterior axillary region.

Described clinical case of fetal lymphangioma is a good illustration of dynamic prenatal and postnatal dynamic observation and its US interpretation.


How to Cite
Sukhanova, A., Karlova, O., Bankovska, N., & Kuzminska, O. (2021). Clinical Case of Fetal Lymphangioma. Family Medicine, (1), 77–80.
Obstetrics and gynecology
Author Biographies

Aurika Sukhanova, Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine

Aurika A. Sukhanova,

Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductology

Olena Karlova, Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine

Olena O. Karlova,

Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductology

Nataliia Bankovska, Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery of NAMS of Ukraine

Nataliia V. Bankovska,

Head of Scientific and Educational Department

Olena Kuzminska, Bogomolets National Medical University

Olena V. Kuzminska,

Department of Hygiene and Ecology No 4


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