To the Issue of Providing the Population with Comprehensive Medical Aid at Cerebrovascular Diseases at Primary Health Care Level (According to the Results of Sociological Study)


Г. О. Слабкий
М. М. Прокопів


The reform of health care system is being carried out in the country with the priority development of primary health care on the basis of general medical practice-family medicine. Against the background of the priority development of primary medical-and-sanitary care on the basis of general medical practice-family medicine a lack of readiness of doctors to provide comprehensive medical care to the population with cerebrovascular diseases.

The objective: to define the necessary measures to provide comprehensive medical aid to the population with cerebrovascular diseases at the level of primary health care in megapolis.

Materials and methods. Sociological, statistical methods and the method of structural-and logical analysis were applied in the course of study. 376 family doctors working in Kyiv were interviewed with the use of a special questionnaire.

Results. In order to provide the population with medical care for cerebrovascular diseases, family doctors must provide services of a prophylactic, therapeutic and rehabilitative character and provide medical and social aid to families. For that family doctors must acquire established competencies. The competencies are detailed and comprehensive. They integrate with the types of medical care in the cerebrovascular diseases. According to the results of research, the most appropriate ways for family physicians to master the necessary competencies are short-term trainings (92.6±1.3%), distance webinars (82,9±1.9%) and thematic improvement courses (57.7±2.5%).

Conclusions. The introduction of the proposed types of health care will provide the population with comprehensive medical aid for cerebrovascular diseases at the level of primary health care.


How to Cite
Слабкий, Г. О., & Прокопів, М. М. (2020). To the Issue of Providing the Population with Comprehensive Medical Aid at Cerebrovascular Diseases at Primary Health Care Level (According to the Results of Sociological Study). Family Medicine, (3), 57–60.
For practicing physicians
Author Biographies

Г. О. Слабкий, Uzhhorod National University

Hennadii O. Slabkiy,

Head of Department of Public Health

М. М. Прокопів, Bogomolets National Medical University

Mariia M. Prokopiv,

Department of Neurology


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