Clinical, Diagnostic and Prognostic Significance of Farnesyl Diphosphate Synthase Gene Polymorphism in Patients with Osteoarthritis: Decreased Bone Density and Overweight


К. І. Терешкін
Л. В. Черкашина
О. С. Коміссарова
Л. О. Смоліна
А. С. Шкляр


A comprehensive study of 96 patients with osteoarthritis (OA) revealed that AA homozygotes prevail, the frequency of which is significantly higher than heterozygotes or homozygotes with the SS genotype (53.1 ± 5.1 %, 41.7 ± 5.0 % and 5, 2 ± 2.3 %, respectively; p <0.05). The frequency of homozygotes with the AA genotype significantly (almost 8–10 times; p <0.001) prevails over the frequency of SS homozygotes. The generalized WOMAC index in the patient groups was 48.8 ± 1.8  % and was large in AA homozygotes with a tendency to prevail in the severity structure of the manifestations of stiffness. Among homozygotes, AA have an increased body mass (BM) or obesity of 83.3 ± 4.8 %, among heterozygotes - 75.0 ± 6.8 %, among homozygotes of SS - 80.0 ± 19.1 % of people. The apelin content in the blood plasma of patients with OA depending on the BM and the variant polymorphism of the FDPS gene is characterized by the fact that with homozygosity SS, in the case of an increase in BM, the apelin content decreases, while with AA homozygosity it does not change significantly. The relationship between the FDPS gene polymorphism and the OA stage is characterized by the prevalence of more severe radiological signs of articular cartilage degradation among homozygous AA alleles.


How to Cite
Терешкін, К. І., Черкашина, Л. В., Коміссарова, О. С., Смоліна, Л. О., & Шкляр, А. С. (2020). Clinical, Diagnostic and Prognostic Significance of Farnesyl Diphosphate Synthase Gene Polymorphism in Patients with Osteoarthritis: Decreased Bone Density and Overweight. Family Medicine, (1-2), 93–98.
Author Biographies

К. І. Терешкін, Kharkiv National Medical University of Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Kostiantyn I. Tereshkin,

Department of Physical Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine with a Course of Physical Education and Health

Л. В. Черкашина, Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Lidiia V. Cherkashina,

Department of Family Medicine, Folk and Non-traditional Medicine, Sanology at the Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education,

Department of General and Clinical Pathology at the V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

О. С. Коміссарова, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Olha S. Komissarova,

Department of Family Medicine

Л. О. Смоліна, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Liudmyla O. Smolina,

Department of Family Medicine

А. С. Шкляр, Kharkiv National Medical University of Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Anton S. Shklyar,

Department of Human Anatomy


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