Actual Aspects of Pathogenesis of Dysplasia of Mammary Glands and Hysteromyoma at Women of Perimenopause Age
The objective: to study actual aspects of pathogenesis of dysplasia of mammary glands in combination with hysteromyoma at women of perimenopause age.
Materials and methods. 50 patients with dysplasia of mammary glands (25 women from diffuse and 25 women with the localized forms) and a hysteromyoma was created. We developed the program of researches providing carrying out: clinical-statistical analysis, complex hormonal researches, X-ray inspection of mammary glands, ehografical of researches of genitalias and mammary glands, cytologic and histological methods with puncture biopsy application that mathematical processing.
Results. Highlights of pathogenesis of dysplasia of mammary glands and hysteromyomas are clinical-anamnestic data, and also change of ratio of levels of hypotalamo-hypophysial hormones, the ovarium of hormones in the form of the absolute or relative giperestrogeniya, more expressed at patients with the localized forms. Disturbances of normal menstrual cycle are taped at 76% of patients, disbiotical processes of genitalias – at 46% of women with dysplasia of mammary glands.
Conclusion. The received results needs to be used when developing complex of diagnostic and treatment-and-prophylactic actions.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##
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