Effects of Melatonin on Chronic Pancreatitis and Atherosclerosis


Є. С. Сірчак
С. М. Опаленик


The effect of melatonin on chronic pancreatitis and atherosclerosis in patients on the complex therapy background is describeda nd analyzed in the article.

The objective: to study the clinical efficacy and melatonin influence on the clinical and laboratory parameters dynamics on the complex therapy background in patients with chronic pancreatitis and atherosclerosis.

Materials and methods. All patients underwent laboratory and instrumental studies before and after the assigned treatment: dyslipidemia detection – the lipid profile indicators` study with the calculation of the atherogenicity coefficient (CA = total cholesterol (TC) – high-density lipoprotein) /HDL)); endothelial dysfunction detection – ultrasonic duplex scan of the brachial artery with the endothelium-dependent vasodilation determination; body composition study by bioimpedance method.

Results. A positive melatonin effect was found in chronic pancreatitis and atherosclerosis complex treatment, which showed a statistically significant improvement in lipid profile. Patients who received the drug melatonin in the complex treatment showed more pronounced changes in the ultrasonic duplex scan of the brachial artery results, which showed an increase in blood flow velocity in the brachial artery through increasing its diameter by 30 and 60 seconds of reactive hyperemia. Patients who were treated with melatonin had a more pronounced reduction in fat mass and, consequently, an increase in muscle, according to the bioimpedance method results.

Conclusions. Administration of melatonin («Vita-melatonin») on the standard therapy background in patients with chronic pancreatitis and atherosclerosis leads to improvement of endothelial function, vascular stiffness indicators and atherosclerosis in general due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, ability to synthesize NO.


How to Cite
Сірчак, Є. С., & Опаленик, С. М. (2019). Effects of Melatonin on Chronic Pancreatitis and Atherosclerosis. Family Medicine, (5-6), 77–80. https://doi.org/10.30841/2307-5112.5-6.2019.193888
For practicing physicians
Author Biographies

Є. С. Сірчак, Uzhhorod National University

Yelizaveta S. Sirchak,

Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases

С. М. Опаленик, Uzhhorod National University

Svitlana M. Opalenyk,

Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases


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