Modern Aspects of Echografical Diagnostics of Neoplasms of Ovaries During Pregnancy
The objective: to study modern aspects of diagnostics of neoplasms of ovaries during pregnancy.
Materials and methods. 90 pregnant women with neoplasms of ovaries were surveyed. All pregnant women were divided into 3 studied groups: group 1 – 30 women from a neoplasm of ovaries by which surgical treatment is executed in various durations of gestation; the group 2 – 30 women with neoplasms of ovaries by which surgical treatment is executed during Cesarean section; the group 3 – 30 women with neoplasms of ovaries by which surgical treatment is executed in various terms after labors.
Results. Results of the conducted researches testify that accuracy (sensitivity and specificity) ultrasonic diagnostics on nosology made: benign epithelial tumors, including serous, serous papillary, mucinous cystadenomas – 71.3% and 94.7%, mature cystic teratomas – 91.8% and 98.6%, the endometrioidal of cysts – 83.7% and 97.5% respectively. Accuracy of diagnostics of boundary and malignant tumors of an ovary was the greatest and made 91.1% and 99.3%. Echografical diagnostics of tumorous educations (the paraovariale, follicular cysts, cysts of yellow body, the simple cysts deprived of the covering epithelium, the teka-lyuteinove of cysts) at pregnancy differed smaller accuracy (sensitivity of 76.3%; specificity of 88.2%).
Сonclusion. The received results needs to be considered at diagnostics of neoplasms of ovaries during pregnancy.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##
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