Current Aspects of the European Clinical Protocol (Croatia) About the Management of Acute Respiratory Infection in the Ambulatory Practice and Teaching


Л. С. Бабінець


The objective of the study was to highlight topical aspects of acute respiratory infection (GRI) management for introduction into the health and medical education system of Ukraine against the background of the European Clinical Protocol (Croatia) study. It is valuable for Ukraine to have a vaccination experience that can protect against certain infections. Flu and pneumococcal vaccines have been proven to be effective prevention measures. The goal of ARI treatment is to recover as soon as possible and return to work as far as possible, prevent complications and spread the disease in the environment. The assessment of the need and duration of a sick-leave depends on the overall health, the patient’s ability to cope with the symptoms, their intensity, the course of the disease, and the nature of the patient’s place of work. These are important tasks of ARI management in the practice of primary care. In the period of reforming the health care system of Ukraine, as well as its corresponding requirements of the medical education system, it is extremely important to learn from the positive experience of other countries in solving this problem. The rational positive aspects of the experience of such a European country as Croatia in the management of ARI is to be implemented Ukrainian healthcare system.


How to Cite
Бабінець, Л. С. (2019). Current Aspects of the European Clinical Protocol (Croatia) About the Management of Acute Respiratory Infection in the Ambulatory Practice and Teaching. Family Medicine, (5-6), 36–38.
Topical issues
Author Biography

Л. С. Бабінець, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University

Liliia S. Babynets,

Department of Primary Health Care and General Practice of Family Medicine


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