Investigation of the interrelationships of levels of brain natriuretic peptide with frequency of exacerbations and the degree of limitation of air flow in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


Бен Аммар Сауссен
О. С. Комісcарова
Н. В. Кіча
Л. В. Черкашина


The objective: was to study the levels of brain natriuretic peptide in relation to the frequency of exacerbations and the degree of limitation of air flow in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Materials and methods. The study involved 120 patients with COPD II-IV stages. Formed treatment groups, stratification of patients by the degree of limitation of air flow rate, frequency of exacerbations of the disease (for the last 12 months). All patients were active smokers.

Results. The patterns of correlation between the degree of air flow restriction and the level of BNP in patients with COPD have been revealed, which also allows to explain the relationship between the severity of obstruction and the processes of myocardial remodeling, since the level of BNP, in this case, can be considered as a binding pathogenetic link. The obtained data testify to the continuous increase of BNP level depending on the number of COPD exacerbations.

Conclusion. To illustrate the dependence of the level of BNP on the degree of airflow limitation and the frequency of exacerbations of COPD, graphical and analytical (polynominal) models have been constructed, which, in clinical practice, allows the use of predicted / reference values for BNP levels.


How to Cite
Сауссен, Б. А., Комісcарова О. С., Кіча, Н. В., & Черкашина, Л. В. (2019). Investigation of the interrelationships of levels of brain natriuretic peptide with frequency of exacerbations and the degree of limitation of air flow in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Family Medicine, (3), 93–96.
Internal diseases
Author Biographies

Бен Аммар Сауссен, Харьковская медицинская академия последипломного образования

Ben Ammar Saussen

О. С. Комісcарова, Национальная медицинская академия последипломного образования имени П.Л. Шупика

O.S. Komissarova

Н. В. Кіча, Национальная медицинская академия последипломного образования имени П.Л. Шупика

N.V. Kicha

Л. В. Черкашина, Харьковская медицинская академия последипломного образования МЗ Украины, Харьковский национальный университет имени В.Н. Каразина

L.V. Cherkashina


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