Effectiveness lisinopril and amlodipine combination in the prevention of patients with hypertonic disease in comorbidity witn obliterative atherosclerosis of lower extremities in family practice


Л. С. Бабінець
В. В. Білочицька


The article presents the results of 40 patients with hypertonic disease (HD) with 2–3 degrees of arterial hypertension in combination with obliterative atherosclerosis of the lower extremities (OALE), in which hyperkinetic, eukinetic and hypokinetic types of central hemodynamics with the prevalence of the sympathetic nervous system were detected. It has been proved that in the absence of individual contraindications, the combination of an ACE inhibitor lisinopril and calcium antagonist amlodipine is optimal and universal for the effective treatment of patients with HD in combination with OALE in all types of central hemodynamics. Since after 6 months of treatment the highest positive dynamics of hemodynamic parameters, in particular, increase the pulse index – by 24,8%, the decrease in the resistance index – by 21,1%, the increase in the linear and volume velocity of blood – respectively, by 25,6% and 27,4% at the same time achievement of the target blood pressure level.


How to Cite
Бабінець, Л. С., & Білочицька, В. В. (2019). Effectiveness lisinopril and amlodipine combination in the prevention of patients with hypertonic disease in comorbidity witn obliterative atherosclerosis of lower extremities in family practice. Family Medicine, (3), 89–92. https://doi.org/10.30841/2307-5112.3.2019.178587
Internal diseases
Author Biographies

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