Properties the IFN-α Synthesis of Products in Patients with Herpes Virus Infection 1 and 2 type


Н. М. Горбаль
К. Є. Іщейкін
Г. О. Потьомкіна
І. Г. Гайдучок
І. Й. Кріль
В. В. Чоп’як


This article presents the results of the investigation of IFN-α synthesis dynamics on local and general levels in patients with the recurrent simple herpesvirus infection. The influence of different types of antiviral therapy to IFN-α level is estimated as well. The normalization of IFN-α level was noted in the group of patients with simple herpesvirus infection after applying of antiviral therapy and three months after the treatment, especially in the group of patients with mild course of HSV 1/2-infection, that proves the antiviral defence stabilization. Moreover, the clinical efficacy of the proposed treatment was established for patients with the recurrent HSV 1/2-infection: in the group of patients with the mild course of HSV 1/2-infection it was 73,5% after the treatment and 85,8% in the remote period; in the group of patients with the mild and severe course of HSV 1/2-infection it was 64,0% after the treatment and 70,4% in the remote period.


How to Cite
Горбаль, Н. М., Іщейкін, К. Є., Потьомкіна, Г. О., Гайдучок, І. Г., Кріль, І. Й., & Чоп’як, В. В. (2019). Properties the IFN-α Synthesis of Products in Patients with Herpes Virus Infection 1 and 2 type. Family Medicine, (3), 37–42.
For Practising Physicians
Author Biographies

Н. М. Горбаль, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

Natalia M. Horbal,

Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology

К. Є. Іщейкін, Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy

Kostiantyn Ye. Ishcheykin

Г. О. Потьомкіна, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

Halyna O. Potemkina,

Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology

І. Г. Гайдучок, Lviv Medical Institute

Ihor G. Gaiduchok,


І. Й. Кріль, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

Iryna J. Kril,

Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology

В. В. Чоп’як, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

Valentyna V. Chopyak,

Head of Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology


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