Features of Menstrual Function of Women After Organ-preserving Operations on Ovaries
The objective: to study features of menstrual function of women after organ-preserving operations on ovaries.
Materials and methods. We investigated morfofunctionale condition of ovaries at 100 patients with a simple serous cystadenoma (n=50) and a mature teratoma (n=50) – before organ preserving operations (cystectomia, resection). Taking into account the volume of the executed operative measure, surveyed were distributed on 3 groups. The complex of the conducted researches included clinical, endocrinologic, biochemical, morphological and static methods.
Results. Generalization of the received results, allowed us to conclude that the frequency of disturbances of menstrual function at women after operations on ovaries is caused as disturbances before operation, and operative measure consequence. The high percent of changes of menstrual cycle before operation (46,0% with mature teratoma and 54,0% with simple serous cystadenoma), according to our data, direct in proportion correlates with level of change of an ovariale reserve. In the postoperative period the augmentation of number of patients with disturbance of menstrual function by 1,3–1,4 times more ovary postresections is noted. Among all types of disturbances of menstrual cycle the shorting of cycle and an oligomenorrhea prevailed.
Conclusion. The obtained data need to be considered when developing algorithm of diagnostic, treatment-and-prophylactic and rehabilitational actions.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##

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