Clinical Approaches to Therapy of Arterial Hypertension in Women’s Postmenopaceus


В. М. Ждан
Є. М. Кітура
О. Є. Кітура
М. Ю. Бабаніна
М. В. Ткаченко


The problem of hypertension in females is becoming increasingly urgent, since more than half of women over the age of 60 is recording steady increase in blood pressure (BP). At the same time, the effectiveness of antihypertensive therapy (AGT) in women after 50 years is reduced. The article presents the main features of the course of arterial hypertension in women in the postmenopausal period, as well as the features of antihypertensive therapy.


How to Cite
Ждан, В. М., Кітура, Є. М., Кітура, О. Є., Бабаніна, М. Ю., & Ткаченко, М. В. (2019). Clinical Approaches to Therapy of Arterial Hypertension in Women’s Postmenopaceus. Family Medicine, (2), 76–79.


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