Technologies of Screening for Diseases of the Liver and Pancreas in the Combined Pathology of the Digestive System


Ю. І. Решетілов
С. М. Дмитрієва
О. Е. Алипова
О. Ю. Васильченко
Н. М. Проценко


Objective: to evaluate the results of the use of non-invasive screening and control of treatment in patients with inflammatory diseases of the hepatobiliary and pancreas organs by introducing the method of ion ion testing.

Materials and methods. A comprehensive clinical and laboratory examination of 156 patients with a combined pathology of the digestive system was conducted: 64 (41.1%) men and 92 (58.9%) women randomized by age and sex. The control group for comparison of the results obtained included 30 healthy individuals.

Results. The study of the composition of exhaled air in healthy individuals compared with the calibration indicators of atmospheric air showed that the most significant of the amenable to registration are air ions of hydrogen, endogenous alcohol, oxygen, methane, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and carbon dioxide. An important aspect of the use of aeroionic diagnostic technologies is the possibility of differentiated individual selection and monitoring of treatment results for all parts of the care provided to gastroenterological patients.

Conclusion. Aeroion testing is a modern non-invasive diagnostic method that can be recommended for the primary screening of diseases of the digestive system.


How to Cite
Решетілов, Ю. І., Дмитрієва, С. М., Алипова, О. Е., Васильченко, О. Ю., & Проценко, Н. М. (2019). Technologies of Screening for Diseases of the Liver and Pancreas in the Combined Pathology of the Digestive System. Family Medicine, (1), 95–98.
Author Biographies

Ю. І. Решетілов, Zaporizhzhya Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Yurii I. Reshetilov,

Department of General Practice–Family Medicine, Gastroenterology, Physiotherapy and Medical Rehabilitation

С. М. Дмитрієва, Zaporizhzhya Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Svitlana M. Dmitrieva,

Department of General Practice–Family Medicine with Dermatovenerology and Psychology Courses

О. Е. Алипова, Zaporizhzhya Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Olena Ye. Alipova,

Department of General Practice–Family Medicine, Gastroenterology, Physiotherapy and Medical Rehabilitation

О. Ю. Васильченко, Zaporizhzhya Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Olena Yu. Vasilchenko,

Department of General Practice–Family Medicine, Gastroenterology, Physiotherapy and Medical Rehabilitation

Н. М. Проценко, Zaporizhzhya Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Natalia M. Protsenko,

Department of General Practice–Family Medicine, Gastroenterology, Physiotherapy and Medical Rehabilitation


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