Cardiovascular Risk and Condition of Target-organs in Patients of Various Ages with Hypertension and High Normal or Low Normal Levels TSH
Тhe significant prevalence of arterial hypertension and thyroid diseases in the Ukrainian population determines their comorbidity and the need for studying of possible effects of functional thyroid gland state on cardiovascular risk factors and target organs damage in patients with arterial hypertension.
The objective: to identify the cardiovascular risk factors and target-organs state in patients of middle – and elderly-age with arterial hypertension at high normal and low normal level TSH.
Materials and methods. The above group was compared with the group of patients with hypertension and subclinical hypothyroidism. The study involved 123 patients from 45 to 75 years old with essential hypertension 1–2 grade and TSH levels within 0,4–9,9 mU/l. They were divided into groups according to TSH levels and age. Methods of research: anthropometry, measurement of blood pressure; blood test for TTG , FT4, FT3, lipids level, glucose level, creatinine; echocardiography, ultrasound study of carotid arteries.
Results. The elderly patients with high normal level TSH was found more frequency cardiovascular risk factors and lesions target-organs (dislipidemia, hypertrophy LV, vascular hypertrophy or asymptomatic atherosclerosis, impairment glucose tolerance) compared with patients low normal level TSH.
Conclusion. The incidence of disturbances did not differ elderly patients with high normal level TSH that patients with subclinical hypothyroidism. So high normal level TSH in elderly patients with hypertension associated the increase cardiovascular risk factors. Such patients require careful monitoring of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, thyroid function for the timely specific correction.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##
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