From a Competent to an Experienced Family Medicine Instructor (According to the Results of the Training Course «Leonardo EURACT. Level 2». Jerusalem, Israel, 2018)


І. В. Климась


The article presents an overview of the event and the experience of participating in the international training course for family medicine teachers «Leonardo EURACT Course Level 2 for Trainers in Family Medicine», 13–16 October 2018, Jerusalem (Israel).


How to Cite
Климась, І. В. (2018). From a Competent to an Experienced Family Medicine Instructor (According to the Results of the Training Course «Leonardo EURACT. Level 2». Jerusalem, Israel, 2018). Family Medicine, (6), 23–25.
Topical issues
Author Biography

І. В. Климась, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Iryna V. Klymas,

Department of Family Medicine