Technologies of Screening for Diseases of the Liver and Pancreas in the Combined Pathology of the Digestive System
Objective: to evaluate the results of the use of non-invasive screening and control of treatment in patients with inflammatory diseases of the digestive system and pancreas organs by introducing aeroion testing method.
Materials and methods. A comprehensive clinical and laboratory examination of 156 patients with a combined pathology of the digestive system was conducted: 64 (41.1%) men and 92 (58.9%) women. Patients were randomized by age and sex. The control group included 30 healthy individuals.
Results. It was established that during clinical and laboratory remission (according to the results of standardized examinations in accordance with the current clinical protocol), a corresponding recovery of the aero-ion profile of patients was also observed. Aeroionic determination of the content of endogenous alcohol allows to evaluate the functional state of the liver.
Conclusion1. In chronic pancreatitis combined with hepatobiliary pathology, the main parameters of aeroion testing are an increase in the levels of hydrogen sulfide, methane, exogenous alcohol and ammonia, as well as a tendency to a decrease in the oxygen content.
2. Aeroion testing is a modern non-invasive diagnostic method that can be recommended for the primary screening of diseases of the digestive system.
3. The definition of aeroionic markers contributes to improving the quality of diagnosis of diseases of the digestive system.
4. Visibility and non-invasiveness of the method of aeroion testing positively influences the formation of compliance of patients with the pathology of the digestive system.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##
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