A New Index of Comorbidity in Patients with Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease on the Background of Diabetes Mellitus and Concomitant Hypothyroidism


С. В. Фейса
І. В. Чопей


The objective: to study the informativeness of the use of well-known comorbidity indices for assessing the status of patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NADH) and associated pathology, to substantiate the feasibility of developing and applying a new method for such patients.

Materials and methods. 114 patients with NAFLD on type 2 diabetes mellitus background were been examed, the concomitant hypothyroidism were diagnosed in 47 of them (32 – subclinical, 15 – clinically expressed). The clinical severity of diseases was been evaluated using Charlson index, Caplan-Feinstein index, CIRS system, and a new Comorbidity Index (CI).

Results. The benefits of Comorbidity Index (IVPKZ) are possibility of assessing the presence such diseases: non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, concomitant thyroid dysfunction, anemia and dyslipidemia. It makes possible to correct the patient’s management, taking into account the dominant concomitant diseases and cardiovascular risk.

Conclusions. The index of the severity of the course of comorbid diseases can be used in practical medicine to assess the severity of the concomitant pathology in patients with diabetes mellitus.


How to Cite
Фейса, С. В., & Чопей, І. В. (2018). A New Index of Comorbidity in Patients with Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease on the Background of Diabetes Mellitus and Concomitant Hypothyroidism. Family Medicine, (5), 105–110. https://doi.org/10.30841/2307-5112.5.2018.167983
Author Biographies

С. В. Фейса, Uzhhorod National University

Snizhana V. Feysa,

Department of Therapy and Family Practice at the Faculty of Postgraduate and Pre-university Education

І. В. Чопей, Uzhhorod National University

Ivan V. Chopei,

Department of Therapy and Family Practice at the Faculty of Postgraduate and Pre-university Education


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