How to reach the target blood pressure level according to the 2018 European recommendations? Reserve possibilities of phytomolecules


М. М. Долженко
В. А. Несукай
С. А. Бондарчук
О. В. Шершнева
І. В. Чорна


The article highlights the prevalence of arterial hypertension (AH). Attention is paid to the classification of hypertension and target blood pressure (BP). The classification of hypertension according to the level of blood pressure, the presence of cardiovascular risk factors, target organ damage and / or the presence of associated diseases helps to optimize individual treatment. Correction of treatment is also carried out depending on the initial level of blood pressure and comorbid pathology. Attention is focused on the need for the appointment in many cases, immediately combined antihypertensive therapy. Such drugs, in addition to many well-known tableted drugs, are also drugs of plant origin. On the example of the herbal preparation Neocardil, from the standpoint of evidence, the place of flavonoids in the treatment of patients with hypertension is considered.


How to Cite
Долженко, М. М., Несукай, В. А., Бондарчук, С. А., Шершнева, О. В., & Чорна, І. В. (2018). How to reach the target blood pressure level according to the 2018 European recommendations? Reserve possibilities of phytomolecules. Family Medicine, (5), 41–46.
Topical issues
Author Biographies

М. М. Долженко, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Maryna M. Dolzhenko,

Head of Department of Cardiology

В. А. Несукай, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Vitalii A. Nesukai,

Department of Cardiology

С. А. Бондарчук, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Serhii A. Bondarchuk,

Department of Cardiology

О. В. Шершнева, Zaporizhzhia State Medical University

Oksana V. Shershneova,

Department of Family Medicine

І. В. Чорна, Zaporizhzhia State Medical University

Inna V. Chorna,

Department of Internal Diseases № 2


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