Primary Health Care Center as a Form of Organization of Family Medicine of the United Territorial Community


Л. В. Глушко
Х. С. Симчич
Т. Ю. Гавриш
В. Т. Рудник
М. М. Островська


The article is devoted to the analysis of the modern process of reorganization of healthcare institutions of the united territorial community (OTG) and the algorithm for creating a center of primary medical and sanitary care. The legal framework of medical reform and aspects of the activity of the primary medical care system of the OTG were studied. Modern approaches to the organization of a patientoriented model of primary care and the implementation of measures to improve medical and technical equipment and the financial distribution of funds are highlighted. It has been established that the creation of a primary health care center in financially independent communities will make it possible to fully embody a patient-oriented model in compliance with the development directions and principles of primary care in rural areas. The best is a clear division of labor between the economic part and the medical work. Promising is the conclusion of contracts in the framework of inter-municipal cooperation and civil-law relations with general practitioners-family medicine, who work as individual entrepreneurs.


How to Cite
Глушко, Л. В., Симчич, Х. С., Гавриш, Т. Ю., Рудник, В. Т., & Островська, М. М. (2018). Primary Health Care Center as a Form of Organization of Family Medicine of the United Territorial Community. Family Medicine, (5), 23–26.
Primary Care
Author Biographies

Л. В. Глушко, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

Liubomyr V. Glushko,

Head of Department of Therapy and Family Practice of Postgraduate Study Faculty

Х. С. Симчич, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

Khrystyna S. Simchich,

Department of Therapy and Family Practice of Postgraduate Study Faculty

Т. Ю. Гавриш, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

Taras Yu. Gavrish,

Department of Therapy and Family Practice of Postgraduate Study Faculty

В. Т. Рудник, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

Viktoriia T. Rudnyk,

Department of Therapy and Family Practice of Postgraduate Study Faculty

М. М. Островська, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

Maryna M. Ostrovskaya,

Department of Therapy and Family Practice of Postgraduate Study Faculty