Assessment of the Quality of Medical Care at the Primary Stage of Its Delivery: the Volume of Use of Diagnostic Measures in Patients with Psoriasis
The objective: to study the volume and adequacy of the use of diagnostic measures by primary care physicians in the provision of medical care to patients with psoriasis, taking into account the anamnestic, laboratory and instrumental components.
Materials and methods. The adequacy of the use of diagnostic procedures at the stage of primary care of 110 patients with psoriasis with varying severity and taking into account the clinical-anamnestic, laboratory and instrumental component of the diagnostic process was studied.
Results. It was revealed that the completeness of clinical and anamnestic examination by general practitioners according to the generalized quality indicator is at the level of 61.7÷64.5% and is characterized by insufficient consideration of constitutional and biological in 71.0±4.9% of patients, somatovisceral markers of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia – in 85.70±4.4%, the influence of adverse regional-ecological factors, living conditions andьprofession – in 82.5±4.8%, as well as in the elimination behavior of patients regarding aggravating factors – in 74.6±5,5% sicks.
Conclusion. The adequacy of clinical and laboratory examination of patients at the stage of primary care in terms of a generalized quality indicator is at 58.3÷63.4% and is characterized by a low level of examinations regarding possible disorders of microelement homeostasis and comorbidity. Completeness of the clinical and instrumental examination according to the generalized quality indicator is at the level of 65.1÷66.5% and is characterized by a low level of instrumental diagnostics of the vegetative status, densitometry, assessment of the individual level of pain sensitivity.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##
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