Effect of Extra-intracranial Bypass on Cerebral Hemodynamics in Treatment of Occlusion-stenotic Disorder of Brahio-cephal Arteries: Applying of Perfusion Computed Tomography
The objective: was to evaluate of the cerebral hemodynamic changes in patients with the simptomatical occlusal-stenotic pathology (OSР) of brachiocephalic arteries (BCA) before and after the creation of extraintracranial (EC-IC) microvascular bypass by perfusion multispiral computed tomography (PMSCT).
Materials and methods. The analysis of the results of surgical revascularization in 12 patients before and after placement of EC-IC bypass based on the results of neuropsychological examinations and instrumental tests were recorded.
Results. The statistical analysis reliably confirmed of the efficacy of EC-IC bypass by anamnesis and the cerebral perfusion results.
Conclusion. EC-IC bypass improves the brain perfusion in OSP BSA. Dinamic observation is necessary to evaluate the long-term results of surgical revascularization.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##

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