Five ways to improve family practice – view of family doctor


Я. Е. Дякунчак


The participation of the Ukrainian family physician in international Forum «Quality and Safety in Healthcare» (May, 2–4 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands) is described in the article. In particular – the participation in project «Imрroving the diagnoses and management of infectious diseases and especially dangerous pathogens through BMJ’s CDS Training Initiative».


How to Cite
Дякунчак, Я. Е. (2018). Five ways to improve family practice – view of family doctor. Family Medicine, (3), 138–139.
Continuing professional education of doctors
Author Biography

Я. Е. Дякунчак, Dispensary № 2, Dniprovskyi District Center for Primary Medical and Sanitary Help «Rusanivka»

Yaroslav E. Dyakunchak