Peptic ulcer of children of school age (Review of the literature)
The article analyzes the incidence of digestive organs, which occupy the second place among adults and children. This situation is associated not only with economic instability, but also with the spread of harmful habits among children, lack of a healthy lifestyle, and so on. Specialists warn that these risk factors can affect not only their health but also the life expectancy and mortality of future generations.
The purpose of the study was to study the incidence of digestive organs, primarily, peptic ulcer duodenum (VH DK) among children. The research used a method of semantic evaluation of scientific documents and a method of system and process analysis.
According to the study program, Ukrainian and foreign literature on the prevalence of duodenal ulcer in children was studied and analyzed. About 2 million children suffer from digestive system diseases in Ukraine, and there is an increase in the prevalence of gastroenterological diseases with age. Peptic ulcer in the duodenum is found in 4 times more often than the ulcer of the stomach. The results of international epidemiological studies have reliably shown that peptic ulcer associated with Helicobacter pylori occurs 95% if ulcers are localized in the duodenum, on average. The results of research on the mechanisms of the onset and development of a duodenum peptic ulcer, as the most vivid model of psychosomatic relationships, suggest that a duodenal ulcer was not seen as the sum of local disorders that developed as a result of acidopeptic aggression and the effects of Helicobacter pylori, but as a systemic disease in the formation of which hereditary, psychosomatic, neurovegetative and other factors involves. Determining risk factors, proving their role in violating human health, as well as quantitative characteristics of the dependence of harmful effects on the levels of exposure of specific factors allows us to assess the real threat to the health of the population living in certain areas and provides objective grounds for preventive measures introducting. There is not enough research on a comprehensive indicator of the health of school-age children in modern medical literature. In this connection, an approach is proposed, the essence of which is that children of school age represent a specific category of population, which should have a fairly high level of health, and hence a high level of efficiency. Regarding the level of efficiency, our research will propose a rational approach to its quantification.

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