Treatment of hypertrophy of adenoids. Balancing between adenotomy and medication


Ф. Б. Юрочко


The key symptoms of adenoidal hypertrophy, diagnostic tool for this pathology and adenoidectomy indications are described in this article. The negative outcomes of adenoidectomy are also described (surgery complications and long-term influence on adult health). Treatment by intranasal corticosteroids, a new method of non-surgical treatment of adenoid hypertrophy, is described in details.


How to Cite
Юрочко, Ф. Б. (2018). Treatment of hypertrophy of adenoids. Balancing between adenotomy and medication. Family Medicine, (3), 100–106.
Author Biography

Ф. Б. Юрочко, Lviv Regional Children's Clinical Hospital «OKHMATDYT»

Fedir B. Yurochko,

Otolaryngology Division


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