Situations and indications for specialist training and undergraduate teaching at status in Europe


F. Carelli


This paper presents an excursus from Alma Ata Declaration on Family Medicine, through the Documents, Statements that EURACT (European Academy of Teachers in Family Medicine) has produced to strengthen Family Medicine in Europe, mainly as undergraduate and specialist training teaching and continuing medical education and professional development. Here is presented just the history of these documents, also some political and national ones to defend Family Medicine from dismantling dangers always at the corner.

Some parts of these documents are descripted in detail, some are indicated to push to read them on EURACT and WONCA websites.

The aim is the enforce Family Medicine everywhere in Europe, been supported by these key documents.


How to Cite
Carelli, F. (2018). Situations and indications for specialist training and undergraduate teaching at status in Europe. Family Medicine, (3), 33–35.
For practicing physicians
Author Biography

F. Carelli, EURACT Council Executive Board

Francesco Carelli