The importance of use of natriuretic peptides in cardiac emergency situations


У. А. Мірзоєв


Cardiovascular diseases nowadays remain being the main cause of mortality and morbidity all over the world. It is estimated that in 1990–2020 cardiovascular mortality is going to increase from 28,9% to 36,3% among all the causes of death. The most frequent clinical presentations of cardiac diseases requiring admission to the emergency rooms are chest pains, cardiogenic shocks, shortness of breath, , which could be the symptoms of coronary heart disease, including acute coronary syndromes and heart failure. The natriuretic peptides play a very important role in early diagnosis of different cardiac disorders. An estimation of the level of natriuretic peptides in urgent cardiac situations is very quick, prompt and exact in comparison with other laboratory modalities. Especially use of BNP and NT-proBNP in some different clinical scenarios may help in choosing and directing of treatment schemes of those patients. The rise of NT-proBNP during ischemia in the absence of necrosis is of special importance.


How to Cite
Мірзоєв, У. А. (2017). The importance of use of natriuretic peptides in cardiac emergency situations. Family Medicine, (6 (74), 48–51.
Author Biography

У. А. Мірзоєв, Central Customs Hospital

Ulvi A. Mirzoyev,

Department of Invasive Cardiology


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