Principles of immune correction of infeсtious complications following osteosynthesis of long bone


Н. О. Дехтяренко
М. П. Грицай
Г. Б. Колов


The objective: was to study the state of the immune system, analyze the dynamics of the parameters of immunological defense, evaluate the effectiveness of complex treatment with the inclusion of immunomodulating drugs to correct changes in immune defense, optimize the treatment of infection after osteosynthesis due to additional differentiated pharmacological immunocorrection.

Materials and methods. 157 patients (113 men and 44 women) with infectious complications after osteosynthesis of long bones were examined. 78 of them had posttraumatic, and in 79 – postoperative osteomyelitis. Osteomyelitis of the femur was noted in 50 patients, tibia osteomyelitis – in 92 and upper limb – in 15 patients.

Results. Multifactorial disorders in immune defense are established. It was found out that practically all immunotropic drugs that were used to treat patients with purulent complications after osteosynthesis of long bones showed to some extent a positive effect in terms of correcting the revealed disorders.

Conclusion. The presented data became the basis for recommendations on the use of immunomodulating drugs for the prevention and treatment of purulent complications in patients after osteosynthesis of long bones, as well as for stimulation of reparative processes in violation of the rates of bone tissue regeneration.


How to Cite
Дехтяренко, Н. О., Грицай, М. П., & Колов, Г. Б. (2017). Principles of immune correction of infeсtious complications following osteosynthesis of long bone. Family Medicine, (6 (74), 45–47.
Traumatology and orthopedics
Author Biographies

Н. О. Дехтяренко, "The Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics" of the NAMS of Ukraine

Nataliia O. Dekhtyarenko

М. П. Грицай, "The Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics" of the NAMS of Ukraine

Mykola P. Gritsay,

Department for bone purulent surgery

Г. Б. Колов, "The Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics" of the NAMS of Ukraine

Gennadii B. Kolov


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