Рossibilities of antitumor treatment of breast cancer рatients infected with heрatitis C virus


Д. А. Алієв
М. К. Мамедов
С. Е. Рагімзаде
Т. Н. Мамедова


The objective: analysis of the results, allowing to form an opinion on the significance of different subclinical forms of the infection of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) in patients with breast cancer (BC).

Materials and methods. Three clinico-laboratory observations were conducted, in which the effect of HCV infection on the incidence and severity of complications arising after using various methods of antitumor treatment was examined. In the first of them, the effect of infection on complications of surgical operations (SO) was studied, in the second – the effect of infection on the radiation reactions arising after radiation therapy (RT), and in the third – its effect on the adverse toxic effects of chemotherapy (CT).

Results. It was found that the inapparant form of infection virtually did not effect the complications of CT and adverse side effects of both RT and HT. In the same time, the presence of the hyperfermentemic form of this infection was accompanied by an increase in the frequency of registration of complications and side effects of all methods of treatment of these patients.

The conclusion. Patients, who are infected with the hepatitis C virus, who do not have signs of subclinical liver dysfunction can undergo surgical operations and prescribe radiotherapy or chemotherapy with almost no restrictions, since the risk of developing all these manifestations does not differ from that of uninfected patients.


How to Cite
Алієв, Д. А., Мамедов, М. К., Рагімзаде, С. Е., & Мамедова, Т. Н. (2017). Рossibilities of antitumor treatment of breast cancer рatients infected with heрatitis C virus. Family Medicine, (6 (74), 29–32. https://doi.org/10.30841/2307-5112.6(74).2017.127286
For practicing physicians
Author Biographies

Д. А. Алієв, National Center of Oncology

Jamil A. Aliyev,

First Deputy General Director, National Center of Oncology of the Ministery of Health of Azerbaijan Republic

М. К. Мамедов, National Center of Oncology

Murad K. Mamedov,

Deputy director of National Center of Oncology on scientific affairs

С. Е. Рагімзаде, National Center of Oncology

Sevinj E. Rahimzadeh,

Head of Department of treatment and diagnostic of precancerous diseases

Т. Н. Мамедова, National Center of Oncology

Tunzala N. Mamedova,

Department of treatment and diagnostic of precancerous diseases


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