Features of research of reflected pains in patients with multiple sclerosis


Г. М. Чуприна
Н. К. Свиридова
А. І. Галуша


Reflected pain (RP) is a variant of pain irradiation. In the case of pathology of internal organs, pain can spread to zones of certain dermatomes (viscero-sensory phenomenon), which are known as Zakharyin–Ged zones.

The objective: to analyze the data of the study of the PR – Zakharin–Ged zones, carried out with the help of the Ged test in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS).

Materials and methods. It was investigated in 216 patients with MS, using the classical H. Head sample, that in patients with MS, PR occur both from hypoesthesia zones and from areas of hyperesthesia, and in the arrangement of such zones is a definite system: they are associated with Zakharyin1Ged zones, where the PR is localized in pathology of internal organs.

Results. The study of the Zakharyin–Ged zones revealed the presence of pain and the appearance of distant visceral pain sensations in 159 (73,6%) patients with MS of the general sample.

Conclusions. The presence of hyperalgesia in the zones of Zakharyin–Ged and trigger points and also PR is systemic in nature and can provoke or intensify some neurological or somatic symptoms in MS patients.


How to Cite
Чуприна, Г. М., Свиридова, Н. К., & Галуша, А. І. (2017). Features of research of reflected pains in patients with multiple sclerosis. Family Medicine, (6 (74), 22–24. https://doi.org/10.30841/2307-5112.6(74).2017.127080
For practicing physicians
Author Biographies

Г. М. Чуприна, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Hennadii M. Chupryna,

Department of Neurology and Reflexotherapy

Н. К. Свиридова, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Natalia K. Svyrydova,

Department of Neurology and Reflexotherapy

А. І. Галуша, "Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital"

Anatolii І. Galusha


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