The prevention of cardiovascular diseases in old patients – state of problem


В. І. Ткаченко
Я. А. Максимець


Nowadays the WHO pays to the problem of ageing and health a lot of attention.

The objective: to found out the features of prevention and management of cardiovascular diseases in elderly people.

Materials and methods. A systematic analysis of 67 available literature sources and guidelines about management of cardiovascular diseases in old people received from JAMA, Scholar, NCBI, Cochrane Library and PubMed databases for the 2007–2017 with keywords related to the aim was conducted.

Results. European and American guidelines have some recommendation for care of old people. Unfortunately, at presentUkraine doesn’t have specific protocols for the treatment of old patients. However, certain emphases are identified in National Unified clinical protocols of primary, emergency and secondary (specialized) medical care for hypertension, CVD and dyslipidemia.

Conclusion. In accordance with Global Strategy and Action Plan of WHO it is necessary to develop more clear guidelines for care of old people, especially in prevention and management of cardio)vascular diseases.


How to Cite
Ткаченко, В. І., & Максимець, Я. А. (2017). The prevention of cardiovascular diseases in old patients – state of problem. Family Medicine, (6 (74), 14–16.
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Author Biographies

В. І. Ткаченко, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Viktoriya I. Tkachenko,

Department of Family Medicine

Я. А. Максимець, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Yana A. Maksymets,

Department of Family Medicine


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