Assessment of overweight and obesity as risk factors for the formation of hypertension among school-age children


А. А. Тагієва


The objective: to study the prevalence of overweight (BMI) and obesity and their role in formation of arterial hypertension (AH) among urban students.

Materials and methods. The work was carried out in 3 schools in Baku. Blind took 586 schoolchildren of different age, who were measured height, weight and 3 fold blood pressure (BP). Obtained data were analyzed in percentiles.

Results. The high confinement high normal blood pressure (VNAD) and hypertension to the body weight of schoolchildren, 85,9±3,0% of cases of hypertension diagnosed in students with BMI and obesity.

Conclusion. The implementation of combined measures for the correction of BMI, obesity and BP will contribute to improving the health of schoolchildren.


How to Cite
Тагієва, А. А. (2017). Assessment of overweight and obesity as risk factors for the formation of hypertension among school-age children. Family Medicine, (5(73), 27–30.
Topical issues
Author Biography

А. А. Тагієва, Азербайджанский Медицинский Университет, г. Баку

A.А. Tagiyeva


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