An effectiveness of erdosteine for management of cough in patients with community acquired pneumonia: the results of MUCASTAT trial
The objective: to investigate an effectiveness and tolerability of mucoactive drugs’ adding for management of cough in hospitalized patients with community acquired pneumonia on the background of standard antibacterial treatment.
Patients and methods. 103 patients (36 men and 67 women) aged 27–82 years were included in open comparative study. All the patients received standard antibacterial treatment for 7–10 days and were randomized in groups for additional taking of erdosteine (Mucitus) or ambroxol in standard dosages for 5–10 days. CAP-Sym-12 questionnaire was used to estimate pneumonia related symptoms.
Results. In 2–3 days from the beginning of therapy the patients from erdosteine group began to estimate their well being (condition) and cough intensity (according to CAP-Sym-12 questionnaire) better, than patients from ambroxol group. In subsequent observation periods (in 7±1 and 12±2 days from the beginning of treatment) superiority of erdosteine was documented by objective (lesser quantity of patients suffering from cough sputum expectoration) and subjective methods (CAP-Sym-12 questionnaire).
Conclusion. Erdosteine is effective, better then ambroxol and well tolerated medicine for management of cough in hospitalized patients with community acquired pneumonia on the background of standard antibacterial treatment.
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